“Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” ~ Joseph Campbell
At Virtual Agile Coach Camp Canada this past weekend, I participated in the “what is your why?” session facilitated by Donald Phillips inspired by Simon Sinek’s book “Start with why”.
Do you know your life’s purpose?
If you do not know, how do you discover your life’s purpose?
A pathway to discovering your life purpose is practicing meditation daily in conjunction with reading, reflecting, retreats and having mentors and coaches. Mentors have breath and depth of experiences to share with you and nurtures and enables you to discover your Gifts. Coaches empower you to discover the magnificence within yourself and to unlock your potential. There is an intimate human connection in mentor/mentee and in coach/coachee relationships, one that resonates for you both and in which you both grow through the experience. Your Gifts are the skills and things you are good at (i.e. “what are your strengths?”), your passion (i.e. “what you do and talk about that fires you up?”) and your unique personal superpowers (i.e. “who you be and what you do in your unique way?”). Stalking your logging and reflecting on what your “musts” are (i.e. “what your deepest and highest aspirations for your life?”) illuminates your life’s purpose. You discover your life’s purpose over time.
If you do know, what is different in the way you live your life?
Those who have discovered one’s life purpose experiences personal fulfillment and focus on contribution and service. We have greater consciousness, and awareness of our shadow/inner critic and false ego; and we are able to better self-manage ourselves. We listen to the wisdom within ourselves. We lead from the inside-out. We march to the beat of our own drum. We lean into the courage to live a life true to ourselves rather than one that others expect.
Knowing your life’s purpose is not one and done. It continues to evolve as you evolve in this adventure of life. I invite you to discover and live your life’s purpose.
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