This week, I learned a valuable life lesson. I was late for four scheduled appointments.  I learned that if a conversation is important and meaningful to occur, and if I am to receive you as the sacred Gift that you are and I am to give you the Gift of my presence, I need to be intentional with my scheduling system.

I saw that I needed to change a system that is reinforcing an unwanted behaviour in myself. Thus, yesterday I changed my scheduling system.  In its place I scheduled 1/2 hour before and 1/2 hour after every 1 hour conversation that I have scheduled in my calendar. The 1/2 before is for me to prepare for the conversation and to come to presence.  The 1/2 hr after is for me to reflect on the experience and journal about it in my conversation log (I am starting a conversation log) – what did I feel? (Heart), what did I learn? (Head), what am I to apply? (Hand).  The time in between conversations gives me a buffer to process the conversational experience with you before entering into another. 

In having an intentional scheduling system, I respect you by protecting our time together, in showing up on time and ready to have the honour to receive you and to give you the gift of my presence. In being intentional in my scheduling practices, I am intentional where I put my attention and focus. 

I am unlearning years of unhealthy corporate scheduling of back-to-back meetings, where I had no time for bio breaks and nourishment. I choose to have an intentional scheduling system.

Inquiry: What systems are reinforcing in you? What are you choosing?


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